leave everything about conventional filmmaking
before moving forward with this visual experience
Feminism and Identity in the Digital Age, something I am very familiar with given the online community I cater to through my work. This video collage takes viewers on a journey from the patriarchs' perspective.
In a world where the patriarchy refuses to let go of the reigns of control, scientists rally to encapsulate what they think femininity is using AI, a learning machine incapable of unlearning.
Over the years, the scientists failed to keep the AI woman up and running, and they were never able to reach a consensus on the best way to formulate the perfect AI woman. The three scientists started as a team, split up, almost destroying the planet while trying to engineer the perfect AI woman.
They didn't know that the AI ​​could never mirror one complete woman at once as the complex collection of what one woman is can never match the simplicity of a machine.
All trials were disastrous
Women of the digital age are no longer willing to accept
the oppression of the patriarchy
Thank you!

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